Avoid These Pet Peeves

8 Things Your Homeowners Hate

Angie Lewis, Writer
Reading Time: 4 minutes
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Many of your actions (or non-actions) can make or break a job — and your reputation. The impression you leave on a homeowner can have them singing your praises or shouting their dissatisfaction all over social media and home-improvement review sites.

Prevent negative repercussions and get a leg up on the competition by abstaining from these eight homeowner gripes (in no particular order):

1. Being Late

Showing up late leaves a bad impression. Tardiness can make homeowners feel like you don’t value their time or care about the job.

Be there when you say you’re going to be there. If you are running late, contact the homeowners as soon as possible. That simple courtesy could mean the difference between them choosing you or one of your competitors.

2. Not Following Up

After you’ve met with homeowners, be sure to follow up on anything you said you would do. Perhaps they had a question you couldn’t answer on the spot or asked for literature you had run out of. Don’t leave them hanging! Always get back to them with what you promised.

Following up also includes returning phone calls in a timely manner, as well as reaching out to homeowners after the job is complete. Make sure they’re happy with your work, remind them about their warranties and answer any questions. Small gestures go a long way toward establishing repeat customers.

Stay organized with Atlas project folders or a calendar or other reminder feature on your phone.

3. Parking In The Driveway

Do not park in the homeowners’ driveway. You don’t want to block their garage. Your vehicle also might be leaking oil or other fluids that could stain the concrete or pavers.

Instead, park where you won’t impede them, family members and neighbors from going about their business.

If you need to utilize the driveway during install day(s), give homeowners a heads up so people don’t have to play musical cars.

4. Cursing

Accidentally hammering a finger is enough to make anyone yell “$#*%!” However, those expletives make your company look unprofessional, not to mention that they may be offensive to homeowners and neighbors (who could be potential customers).

A bar of soap, a swear jar, silly alternative phrases (e.g., fudge nuggets, shitake mushrooms, son of a biscuit) — give your crew whatever they need to keep their language clean while staying safe.

5. Sloppy Work

This one is a no-brainer. Homeowners don’t shell out $10,000 or more for a new roof only for it to start leaking a few months later.

Be sure your foreperson is on the jobsite and inspects the roof before, during and after the installation. And follow the manufacturers’ guidelines to the letter so that all warranties remain valid and the roof performs as it should over its lifetime.

6. Leaving A Mess

Homeowners don’t want to find a rogue nail in their tire, nor do they want to clean up after you and your crew. Ensure that no one leaves tossed cigarette butts, wrappers, cans or other trash in the lawn. Also check that no landscaping is destroyed. Use a magnet around the perimeter of the house to be sure all nails are removed.

With none of those messes to worry about, homeowners can sit back, relax and enjoy their beautiful new roof.

7. Taking Too Long

Most residential roofing jobs can be completed within a few days, but setbacks happen.

Always keep the homeowner in the loop when a project takes longer than expected. As with all relationships, communication is the key!

8. Being Talked To Differently

When you meet with homeowners, don't forget who really makes the decisions about the style and color of a new roof. Women are the world’s most powerful consumers, driving 85 percent of all consumer purchases. Their buying power and influence have an enormous impact on the economy, controlling more than $20 trillion in worldwide spending.

Treat her like the queen of her castle! If a woman feels patronized, she’s going to snub your company — and probably steer all of her friends and family away from you too. Be sure you pitch to women with the same respect and tone as you would a man, and that job is as good as yours!

Land (And Keep) The Job

Avoiding these common homeowner complaints is a simple way to get new business, more referrals and rave reviews. Respect, communication and quality work can turn one job into 10 — and earn you customers for life. (Plus, their beautiful Atlas roof will be the envy of the neighborhood!)

For more information about Atlas roofing products, visit AtlasRoofing.com.