Technology Over Tradition

The Advantages Of EagleView® Aerial Measurement

Daris Brown, Writer
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Visualization tools and 3D measurement technologies are not the future of roofing — they are a staple of the roofing industry today. Many roofers cling to the methods they learned many years ago, but those afraid to expand their technique and approach may quickly be left behind.

For hundreds of years, a hammer was a roofer’s No. 1 tool of choice, but Morris Pynoo invented the nail gun (shortly after War World II) and changed the industry forever. While there are roofers who solely rely on a hammer, it is hard to picture the industry without the speed and durability of a nailer. Like the innovative nail gun in the 1950s, EagleView® Technologies is revolutionizing the roofing industry. Roofers quick enough to embrace this cutting-edge tool will find the competitive advantage they need to rise above their competition.

Making History With EagleView

In 2006, a roofing contractor and his brother-in-law, a software engineer, sought a new way to measure roofs safely and accurately. After a series of successful photography and 3D model experiments on birdhouses, the duo developed the roofing industry’s first remote aerial roof measurement service. Two years later, their lofty idea was proven a brilliant solution. The pair’s reports were helping roofing contractors attract prospective customers and close deals all over the U.S. and Canada. Four years and multiple patents later, EagleView was making roofing history for the speed and accuracy of its measurements and its marketing prowess.

Safety For The Crew

Making a Forbes list is generally worth bragging about. Roofers, unfortunately, rate attention when they make the annual America’s Deadliest Jobs list. In an industry where the casualty count is 36.26 deaths per 100,000 roofers, safety should never be taken for granted. Developed with safety in mind, EagleView helps minimize risks and maximizes rewards by reducing the time your crew has to spend on a customer’s roof.

EagleView uses high-resolution photos to create a 3D model of the home. Spatial recognition software accurately measures the roof’s hips, valleys, eaves and rakes, allowing contractors to calculate the roof’s pitch and square footage before they even get out of their truck for a consultation. Through the help of a free app, EagleView reports can be ordered on the go without ever having to step foot on a ladder. Every minute a crew is safely on the ground is a win. And EagleView is easy to use. All a contractor has to do is type in an address and the software does the rest.

Sample EagleView Report

Speed And Accuracy

“Time is money” is more than a clever maxim — it’s the foundation successful businesses are built on. EagleView not only understands this algorithm for success but does its part by delivering its reports in two business days or less. And if that is not fast enough, as an extra feature, you can expedite your report by ordering the three-hour delivery option. EagleView’s fast reporting saves valuable time that would otherwise be needed to calculate the measurements and create an estimate. The time saved can be better spent connecting with the homeowner and closing the sale.

As important as speed is EagleView Premium Reports’ 100 percent accuracy guarantee. Every premium report goes through a five-step quality control process to make sure each measurement, including pitch, is precise. When it is time to climb the ladder and get to work, your crew is armed with the correct information to get the job done right. And for your peace of mind, every premium report has a money-back guarantee. 

Marketing Made Easy

Saving a few hours in the field isn’t the only great benefit of this user-friendly service. A homeowner report, included at no additional charge, is the perfect leave-behind piece for your customer. The report is a professional, customized marketing tool that includes the property images and an easy-to-reference diagram for homeowners to look over and keep for their records. The report can be customized to include your company name, logo and contact information, making it double as a souped-up business card. Homeowner reports can also be sent as a PDF, which gives you another opportunity to show the client your professionalism. While these little features may not seem like much, they are significant contributors to the ultimate marketing vehicle: word of mouth. Neighbors talk. Make sure when they do, it’s about how easy your company is to work with, and how professional you are.

Tomorrow’s Technology Today

A roofer’s job is hard enough. No glamorous awards are given for aching backs or callused hands. The sun does not apologize, as unforgiving rays test the strength of your SPF 30 UV protection. And long days turn to short nights, which is why working smarter rather than harder is so important. EagleView allows you to trade in old surveying methods for faster, more reliable, stress-free technology at the press of a button.

Access EagleView through your Atlas Pro™ account.